Dr. Martin Lonsky

Physicist / Materials Scientist / Engineer / Educator

Current role: Senior Process Integration Engineer (SiC metallization at Nexperia Germany) 

Welcome to my personal website!

My name is Dr. Martin Lonsky and I am currently a senior process integration engineer at the R&D department of Nexperia Germany, where I am working on the metallization of silicon carbide-based power semiconductor devices. Prior to this industry role, I was a research scientist (2022-2023) working with Prof. Dr. Jens Müller at the Goethe University Frankfurt. From 2019 to 2022, I was a postdoctoral researcher with Prof. Dr. Axel Hoffmann at the Materials Research Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign under a research fellowship by the German Science Foundation.  

I am interested in thin films and nanostructures, especially in their fabrication by means of physical vapor deposition (PVD), their electrical and magnetic properties, and their application with regard to next-generation computing and advanced electronics devices. An essential purpose of this website is to inform about my research and education projects. Please feel free to get in touch and contact me via email (lonskymartin@gmail.com).   

Aside from research, I am passionate about teaching and communicating physics as well as materials science. Please check out my blog on teaching physics in higher education that I launched in summer 2022. My teaching style involves a strong and effective interaction with students, the clear demonstration of the relevance and applications of the subject matter, and strengthening motivation through my own enthusiasm for science. I believe that sometimes it can take just one lecture or personal interaction to spark a lifetime interest. Moreover, I am also a strong advocate of incorporating more computational contents into science and engineering coursework.

Detailed information about my research projects

My personal academic and professional background

Publications in journals and presentations at conferences/seminars

Link to my blog on teaching physics in higher education



Our article Numerical simulation projects in micromagnetics with Jupyter has been published in the American Journal of Physics (open access and highlighted as Editor's Pick. Please take a look if you are interested in computational methods in physics education.


We have submitted a manuscript on the "Origin of magnetic switching cascades in tetrahedral CoFe nanostructures" to Applied Physics Letters and uploaded it on arXiv.org. In this work, we have studied three-dimensional magnetic nanostructures by means of micro-Hall magnetometry measurements and a combination of micromagnetic and macro-spin simulations. This was a great collaboration with Prof. Dr. Christian Schröder (Bielefeld, Germany) and colleagues from Frankfurt. 


I started my new role as a Senior Process Integration Engineer in the semiconductor industry, working for Nexperia Germany. In this position, I am going to work on the metallization of SiC-based power semiconductor devices. I look forward to learning more about the semiconductor business and apply my existing knowledge to more practical challenges. At the same time, in my spare time I will continue writing blog posts on physics education, supporting the IEEE Magnetics Society as a volunteer and stay connected to my old friends and colleagues from academia. 


My abstract on "Micromagnetic simulations for incorporating computational methods into the physics curriculum" has been accepted to be presented as a contributed talk at the APS March Meeting 2023 in Las Vegas, NV, USA. This is going to be my first presentation in a physics education focused session, so I am extremely excited about it. Please feel free to attend this session if you are interested. 


Our article "Microstructuring YbRh2Si2 for resistance and noise measurements down to ultra-low temperatures" was published in the New Journal of Physics. This was an excellent collaboration between multiple groups, where single-crystalline YbRh2Si2 samples were micropatterned using focused ion beam techniques in order to increase the resistance significantly. As a consequence, we were able to measure quantities such as magnetoresistance, 1/f noise and thermal noise, which is nearly impossible for conventional bulk samples. This work opens up an avenue for future transport measurements on metallic systems down to ultra-low temperatures.


I am delighted to share that I am receiving a research grant within the Focus Track A|B program of the Goethe-University Frankfurt that is intended for early career researchers (see GRADE for more information). The grant consists of 5000 € and will be used for the purchase of a high-performance simulation computer with a state-of-the-art GPU which will allow us to carry out large-scale micromagnetic simulations. Furthermore, the grant will support me in presenting my research at the 67th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM) in Minneapolis, USA. 


Our paper "Dynamic Fingerprints of Synthetic Antiferromagnet Nanostructures with Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction" has been published in the Journal of Applied Physics as a Featured Article -- you can also find it highlighted on the front cover of the respective issue! We report on comprehensive micromagnetic modeling of the static and dynamic properties of synthetic antiferromagnet nanostructures which exhibit various magnetic configurations such as skyrmions, skyrmioniums and deformed skyrmions. 

Presentations on Youtube

Further below you can find some of my most recent presentations at international conferences if you would like to learn more about my research.